Latitude 38 Consulting was founded in Cambridge England in 2013, after Susi Watson and her family relocated from the San Francisco Bay Area (Latitude 38). Work with Susi, her associates and partners to engage stakeholders and activate strategic insights. When teams create and see their challenges and purpose together, this leadership by example impacts all levels of the organization. Latitude 38 Consulting works to create sustainable impact by PRACTISING skills with teams working on a relevant challenge. This approach provides ongoing value in the form of on the job learning, increased innovation, creativity and engagement for the team and their stakeholders.


Example Services Include:


Research and Visual Insight Activation

  • Existing research synthesis, gap interviews, and insight visualization
  • Customer, employee and client profiles with strategic value stories
  • Context, activity and process visuals for improved collaboration
  • Strategic initiative activation and engagement


Graphic Facilitated Strategic Engagement

  • SME interviews, team and process visuals, stakeholder alignment
  • Seeing the challenge and opportunities in change
  • Creative problem solving and lateral thinking skill building
  • World Cafe Conversations


Co-Creation and Team Leadership

  • Customer and employee journey mapping
  • Visual scenario stories and idea prototyping
  • Product, service and business development value stories
  • Bespoke interactive group learning exercises and ongoing learning templates


Susi and her team of associates work with clients to understand their challenge and budget, designing and facilitating gatherings (days), projects (weeks), or longer term programs (3-12 month) to suit your needs.


Please connect and let's draw out your challenge and engage in sustainable change together. We look forward to beginning the conversation.



Client Testimonials


Representative Partnerships:

Representative EU Clients:

Do you have a challenge that you would like to shift into an opportunity?

Let's Connect and
Draw It Out Together

Copyright 2013
Latitude 38 Consulting, Ltd